检查 & 评估

Most buyers will have the property examined by a licensed property inspector to ensure everything in the contract is accurate. Inspection time frames will be laid out in the Purchase Agreement. Some buyers will choose to have seperate inspectors look at different areas of the property (ie. roof, plumbing, or 暖通空调 inspectors).


If the buyer is receiving a loan, a licensed appraiser will most likely examine your property as 好吧. Since the agreement is contingent upon financing, the lending institute will require confirmation that their investment in your home is accurate. Therefore, they will require a third party appraiser to determine the value of your property.


Either a title company or an attorney will be chosen as the closing agent, 或第三方, whose job is to examine and insure clear title to real estate. After reviewing the recorded history of your property, they will certify that your title is clear of encumbrances (ie. 租赁, 抵押贷款, or restrictions) by the date of closing to allow the transfer of title to the buyer.

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A contingency is a condition that must be met before a contract becomes legally binding. 例如, buyers will typically include contingencies upon home inspections or securing their financing.

Before completing his or her purchase of your property, the buyer will complete the necessary steps.

  • Securing financing and insurance;
  • Reviewing all pertinent documents, such as preliminary title reports and disclosure documents; and
  • 检查物业. The buyer has the right to pursue details on the condition of your property through a wide range of inspections, 比如屋顶, 白蚁/害虫, 烟囱和壁炉, 物业边界测量, 好吧, 败血性, 池/水疗中心, 树艺家, 模具, 含铅涂料, 暖通空调, 等.

How do you respond objectively and fairly to the buyer when a renegotiation is demanded, while acting in your best interests? This is when a professional listing agent can make a real difference in the outcome of the transaction. Having dealt with various property sales in the past, we guarantee our expertise and total commitment to every customer, no matter what their situation is.

Loan Approval and Appraisal

We suggest that you accept buyers who have a lender’s pre-approval, 批准信, or written loan commitment, which is a better guarantee of loan approval than a pre-qualification or no documentation from a lending institute. Expect an appraiser from the lender’s company to review your property and verify that the sales price is appropriate.


Give your house a deep clean
First impressions mean everything. Before you decide to list your home, give it a deep clean. This means cleaning toilets, 擦拭表面, 拖地板。, cleaning rugs and scrubbing bathrooms - and even consider calling in the professionals to ensure that your home is in the best condition it can possibly be.

When a home is clutter-free, buyers are able to focus on the actual home instead of on the piles of mail, 洗衣, and general mess in your home. Potential buyers want to envision their items on your counter versus resisting the urge to clean up your mess. Decluttering and organizing your space will go a long way in appealing to potential buyers.

卖房子的时候, you should make sure everything that needs to be fixed has been taken care of before listing a home. Potential buyers will come into your home knowing you took care of it, giving them more peace of mind.

Not only is painting a great way to clean up the walls but making the overall color scheme neutral will increase the appeal to potential buyers, making it easier for them to envision their belongings in the house - get rid of any bright, outdated paint colors and go with a neutral palette throughout the house.


Staged homes tend to fill quickly because they feel homier - if you have neutral furniture that you can leave in the home, 这样做, otherwise consider a professional staging company.


You want to leave a few nice, framed photos around the house to make the home appear inviting and lived in, 但总的来说, removing your very personal items, such as family photos will let the potential buyers see their photos in those places, 与你的.
